London School Boy murdered over £10

January 31, 2010

A schoolboy has been murdered over a £10 Cannabis debt the Old Bailey has heard.

Abdul Maye, 15, was attacked by two other boys, aged 16 and 14, who were carrying knives. The boys, who cannot be named due to legal reasons, are pleading innocent to murdering Abdul.

Abdul was attacked on the 7 December 2001. He was stabbed in the back whilst waiting outside of his school in East London.

The disagreement first started on a previous occasion after a GCSE mock. The two boys, along with others, had sprayed CS gas into Abdul's face after demanding the £10 debt.

Susan Edwards QC, prosecuting, said students saw the older boy lunge the knife at Abdul. Abdul managed to shield himself with his hands. However, the younger of the two boys, who was behind Abdul plunged his knife into Abdul's back puncturing his heart.

The younger boy was heard by other students saying ‘it’s done, it’s done’.

Abdul stood still for a few seconds before collapsing in the road face down. His friends then chased the two boys after the attack, but were not successful in catching them.

Miss Edwards said the non-payment of the £10 debt for some cannabis had resulted in "a considerable loss of face".

The trial continues.

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