Radio Bulletin

March 14, 2010

The government have announced they will be raising alcohol prices in the UK to combat the rise in anti-social behaviour.

Last year Southampton was rated the third worst city for binge drinking in the country.

One bar in Southampton was cautioned after announcing they would sell alcohol for a penny on Staint Patrick’s Day.

Bars and pubs in Hampshire will be monitored by the police to check the amount of alcohol being served is reasonable.

Winchester residents have criticized the council’s response to manage roads.

There have been complaints about uneven road surfaces, lack of parking, one way systems and traffic control.

The council seem to be responding very slowly to complaints, and residents seem to be getting impatient with the amount of time the current works are happening.

To have your say, please visit:

Winchester Cathedral is scheduled to host BBC1’s Easter Day Service, and two programs of Songs of Praise.

Simon Barwood, Winchester Cathedral’s Development Officer said:

In: Whilst we’re here...

Out: ...After we

public are welcome to attend the Easter service, doors open at 9AM.

Free tickets for Songs of Praise are available from:

Young people living in and around Winchester will soon have access to a new youth cafe in St Johns House.

The YMCA have already raised £65, 000 for the project; a further £85, 000 is still needed to begin the build.

Construction work is scheduled to begin sometime in May.


Twitter: CharAimeeClarke

© Charlotte Aimee Clarke 2010