Winol stats 1st January - May 11th 2011
North America with 274 sessions (40.0% of all sessions)
Europe with 216 sessions (31.5% of all sessions)
[N/A] with 73 sessions (10.7% of all sessions)
Asia with 40 sessions (5.8% of all sessions)
Australia and Oceania with 34 sessions (5.0% of all sessions)
Africa with 9 sessions (1.3% of all sessions)
Yearly Breakdown of Hits
This graph shows the amount of hits Winol receives, you can see the amount of people clicking onto us dips mid May, this is because of the Easter break. -We are however recovering from this, as you can see from last weeks views.
Hourly Hits Report
Hour | Hourly Total | Averages | % of Total |
0:00 | 10960 | 14552 | 2.1% |
1:00 | 5579 | 13536 | 1.1% |
2:00 | 6521 | 14008 | 1.3% |
3:00 | 2758 | 9474 | 0.5% |
4:00 | 7070 | 7884 | 1.4% |
5:00 | 33477 | 13266 | 6.5% |
6:00 | 6126 | 7746 | 1.2% |
7:00 | 32585 | 9200 | 6.3% |
8:00 | 11281 | 11627 | 2.2% |
9:00 | 14798 | 16577 | 2.9% |
10:00 | 34964 | 23785 | 6.8% |
11:00 | 22815 | 22807 | 4.4% |
12:00 | 13319 | 25119 | 2.6% |
13:00 | 25843 | 28687 | 5.0% |
14:00 | 21187 | 26545 | 4.1% |
15:00 | 22579 | 26743 | 4.4% |
16:00 | 13760 | 22154 | 2.7% |
17:00 | 21532 | 26393 | 4.2% |
18:00 | 21210 | 22987 | 4.1% |
19:00 | 9960 | 26625 | 1.9% |
20:00 | 73546 | 27591 | 14.2% |
21:00 | 17565 | 27938 | 3.4% |
22:00 | 82610 | 29903 | 16.0% |
23:00 | 5150 | 24153 | 1.0% |
Session Times in Seconds
Hour | Hourly Total | Averages | % of Total |
0:00 | 96 | 225 | 2.8% |
1:00 | 116 | 227 | 3.3% |
2:00 | 72 | 259 | 2.1% |
3:00 | 82 | 292 | 2.4% |
4:00 | 96 | 170 | 2.8% |
5:00 | 47 | 179 | 1.4% |
6:00 | 173 | 189 | 5.0% |
7:00 | 178 | 232 | 5.1% |
8:00 | 103 | 225 | 3.0% |
9:00 | 260 | 236 | 7.5% |
10:00 | 36 | 201 | 1.0% |
11:00 | 190 | 225 | 5.5% |
12:00 | 122 | 215 | 3.5% |
13:00 | 440 | 223 | 12.7% |
14:00 | 81 | 190 | 2.3% |
15:00 | 47 | 204 | 1.4% |
16:00 | 38 | 180 | 1.1% |
17:00 | 76 | 200 | 2.2% |
18:00 | 83 | 199 | 2.4% |
19:00 | 197 | 230 | 5.7% |
20:00 | 209 | 211 | 6.0% |
21:00 | 181 | 228 | 5.2% |
22:00 | 305 | 229 | 8.8% |
23:00 | 235 | 311 | 6.8% |
Total | 3463 | 5280 | N/A |
Average | 144 | 220 | N/A |
Alexa Rating
Alexa Rating 522, 598
Traffic Rank in Great Britain 20, 748
The vast lack of female viewers may be because IP addresses are usually registered under male names (the IP address for the whole university is registered under a male name).
This compared to:
The Hampshire Chronicle
Alexa Rating: 544, 425
Traffic Rank in Great Britain: 28, 783
Wessex Scene -Southamptons version of Winol and Guardian Website of the year Winner
Alexa rating: 1,583,486
Traffic Rank in Great Britain: 106,400
-Winol is over 5 times the rank of Wessex Scene even though their
University has 30000 Students compared to the 65000 Winchester has, and Southampton is home to 221000 people, compared to109000 living in Winchester.
Westminster News Online
Alexa Rating: 14,274,242
Traffic Rank in Great Britain: Too small to measure
-Remember, this student news site is based in the countries capital,
with 7.7 Million people as their audience with crime and events happening
every day!
Traffic Rank in Great Britain: 106,400
-Winol is over 5 times the rank of Wessex Scene even though their
University has 30000 Students compared to the 65000 Winchester has, and Southampton is home to 221000 people, compared to109000 living in Winchester.
Westminster News Online
Alexa Rating: 14,274,242
Traffic Rank in Great Britain: Too small to measure
-Remember, this student news site is based in the countries capital,
with 7.7 Million people as their audience with crime and events happening
every day!
Traffic Sources
Top Queries from Search Traffic
The top queries driving traffic to from search engines. Updated monthly.
Query | Percent of Search Traffic |
1 | winol | 94.83% |
2 | winol boden | 0.93% |
3 | winol] | 0.67% |
4 | winol news | 0.28% |
5 | what's on winol | 0.19% |
6 | ba journalism | 0.08% |
7 | yt | 0.01% |
Very good analysis - thanks