Good morning, and welcome to Winchester FM. I’m Charlotte Clarke, and on news today:
Detectives are appealing for information after two men raided a service station with a gun and metal pole.
The men threatened the cashier at the Shell Garage in Weyhill Road and made off with less than £100. They were driven away by a third man in a suspected stolen blue Renault Clio.
Police are currently investigating.
Residents seeking council homes could be on the waiting list a lot longer then anticipated.
With a growing waiting list, Winchester council would need to build 700 affordable houses a year to keep up with the demand.
Instead, 10 council houses were sold last year, and another 40 homes are planned to be sold as they are empty or in need of major repairs.
Councilor Raymond Pearce said:
[Audio Clip]
Winchester Council made no apology for selling condemned buildings. They stated that if they were left in their possession, they wouldn’t be up to living standards for years.
£1.6 million is being invested in Winchester schools.
Standmore and Weak Primary, Kings School and Swanmore Collage of Technology will see benefits such as improved Sports facilities and extended classrooms.
Local residents and community groups will also benefit from the projects refurnished swimming pool at Kings School.
Residents in Winchester are aiming to raise 50,000 for the homeless.
The Rotary club are holding the event ‘Winchester walk for the homeless –beating the bounds’ on the 9th May.
Participants can choose from a 12, 5 or 1.5 mile walk in which they will raise sponsorship money for the cause.
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